Do you ever think about the brevity of life? Or what REALLY matters, and what will follow you behind. If today was your last day on earth . . . . how would you spend it?
All through the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) we see our Lord helping people. All sorts of people.
I've often thought, if I died today, would I have helped someone in their walk, taught someone something, am I leaving a LEGACY behind, or am I just exsisting. . . .
Our lives should really be about others, whether it be leading someone to Christ, helping in our local church, supporting a missionary, teaching someone something useful and new, writing our inspired thoughts for others to read, touching the life of a child, loving someone thats not so easy to love, praying for someone on a daily basis, giving financially, giving of our time, sharing the talents we are blessed with, the list could go on and on. . . . .
Sometimes I get so caught up in rushing back and forth to work that I forget why I'm REALLY here. . . . It's not to build up treasures for myself here on earth, but it's to show the love of Jesus to someone.
I am reminded of something my former pastor, Bro. Don Sheffield once said. He said that he'd so much rather be in heaven, but if he HAD to be here, he wanted to count. Wanted to matter. Wanted to help someone. Wanted to bring honor to His name. Life is so short, and one day, if we've trusted in Him we will be standing face to face. What will matter to us then?
Only one life so soon is past. . . . only what's done for Christ will last. . .