Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Only one life. . . .

Do you ever think about the brevity of life? Or what REALLY matters, and what will follow you behind. If today was your last day on earth . . . . how would you spend it?

All through the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) we see our Lord helping people. All sorts of people.
I've often thought, if I died today, would I have helped someone in their walk, taught someone something, am I leaving a LEGACY behind, or am I just exsisting. . . .
Our lives should really be about others, whether it be leading someone to Christ, helping in our local church, supporting a missionary, teaching someone something useful and new, writing our inspired thoughts for others to read, touching the life of a child, loving someone thats not so easy to love, praying for someone on a daily basis, giving financially, giving of our time, sharing the talents we are blessed with, the list could go on and on. . . . .
Sometimes I get so caught up in rushing back and forth to work that I forget why I'm REALLY here. . . . It's not to build up treasures for myself here on earth, but it's to show the love of Jesus to someone.
I am reminded of something my former pastor, Bro. Don Sheffield once said. He said that he'd so much rather be in heaven, but if he HAD to be here, he wanted to count. Wanted to matter. Wanted to help someone. Wanted to bring honor to His name. Life is so short, and one day, if we've trusted in Him we will be standing face to face. What will matter to us then?
Only one life so soon is past. . . . only what's done for Christ will last. . .

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pink Fleur de Lis

One of the pieces I made for Lou's. =)

Light Rose Swarovski Crystals, freshwater pearls, and fleur de lis charm. . .

Thursday, June 18, 2009

And let us not be weary in well-doing. . .

Do you ever get tired? I know that I do lol. Sometimes it's so hard that I don't enjoy things that I normally do; but the Bible says " Let us not be weary in well-doing." But. . . What does that mean?

We're gonna get tired. . . that's a given. . . we're HUMAN.

But don't get weary. . . . don't faint. . . don't QUIT. If you must, rest.

Rest in the Lord and keep on the firing line, keep working for him, and being an example for others to follow. You know, for some people we are the only Bible they will ever read. The way we live, how well we guard our testimony is SO important.

Sometimes it's gonna be tough. . . that's life, but we have someone in whom we can rest and someone in whom we can BELEIVE that will see us through. Someone that sticks closer than a brother, and His name is JESUS. =)

" And let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season ye shall reap if ye faint not."

Monday, June 15, 2009

Prayer Request. . . .

Please pray for the Daraug family, they are missionaries to the Phillipines. They have a 6 year old girl named Glorius who has brittle bone disease and has broken her legs many times. Pray that God will give them fruit for their labour and stregthen them in this good work.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Planet Flops!

Orderd THESE today from Planet Flops! They are supposed to be healthier for your feet and the most comfortable flip-flops on the market. The flip-flops are made out of sun-baked Brazilian Rubber! How cool is that? They were a little pricey, but I can wear them to work every day so it's ok. Gonna get the pink and brown ones if I like em. I'll letchall know how it goes. =)


Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Princess - the feminine form of prince; a female member of a royal family other than the queen; widely used as a term of endearment.

For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated with royalty, Kings, Queens, Princes, and especially Princesses =) (maybe I watched too much Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast as a kid lol)

Even as I got older, I was still enthralled with them. I loved history in school, especially studying royals and how they lived. I love fancy dresses from long ago, tiaras, long white gloves, and not having to make my bed. lol =)

What is really neat is that I AM a princess. Really! I am a daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Every girl who is a born-again child of God most high is a princess! Isn't that awesome? We are representatives of our Father in a dark and sinful world. As His daughter we should live in such a way that others will desire what we have and they can be princesses (or princes lol) as well.

Ok, so I know this was a little corny, but it's true! Just wanted everyone to feel like a princess! lol =)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Visit with the Labouves =)

Had a great time with the Labouve's! They were in for High School Graduation on the 15th of May and headed back to Alaska on the fourth.

We have had so many good times through the years and are TRULY BLESSED!!!!

Sizzling Summer!

Lovin these hot shades of fuschia, peridot, indian pink, and tanzanite for summer! They remind me of popsicles on a hot summer day =) lol

Nothing says summer like the pop of bright swarovski against smooth freshwater pearls.

Love summer, love jewelry! =)

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