Friday, January 15, 2010

Apron Addict. . .

While learning to cook, I have also developed a new addiction. . . . aprons.

How cute is this?!?!?!?!

Lovin' this classy red one too! =)

Sweet beige hostess apron!!!

And my all- time favorite. . . . .

All of these aprons and more can be found @ :
Another awesome apron site is. . .
Jessie Steele!

May you all have a truly blessed weekend!!!
~ Brittney

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sweet Moments. . .

Some of the most precious memories and sweetest moments of my life have been made singing around the piano, playing a duet with a friend, or laughing at myself trying to screech out a tune on the violin.

" Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul. "

~ Anonymous

" Where words fail, music speaks. "

~ Hans Christian Anderson

Music was created as another avenue by which we can praise God, and for me, that is exactly what it is.

Music was meant to be shared with those coming up and cherished by our loved ones.

Music is a universal languge and through it we can touch the hearts of countless multitudes of people.

" The aim and final end of all music should be to should be none other than the glory of God and refreshment of the soul. "

~ Johann Sebastian Bach

* Photos by Genesis Costner Photography

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A new year. . . .


I really can't believe it's finally here! As I think of the past year and the resolutions that I set last year I am very excited to say that three of them came to be in 2009!

1.) My first resolution was to learn how to drive, my lack of ability was holding me back in so many ways and I knew that I had to face my fears in order to become a succesful adult. So I learned how to drive and have already been through 2 cars. Long story.

2.) My second resolution was to make a new friend. I have made a host of brand new friends this year that I feel like I have known all my life. Ya'll are truly incredible. Don't know how I made it before without you. Seriously.

3.) My third resolution was to start teaching piano. I knew it was something that I had not surrendered to the Lord in my life and I wanted to share that ability with the next generation of pianists. I can honestly say, with my whole heart that the Lord truly worked this out for me, and I praise Him for giving me this oppurtunity.

And so for 2010. . .

1.) My first resolution for this year is to learn how to cook. I enjoy the little bit that I can do, but I want to really learn how to cook. This year. Scaryyyyy.

2.) To fully surrender my whole heart and life to God.

3.) To be on time to work every day. yeah.

4.) To become a better steward of my money and of my time.

Happy new year everyone!


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