Friday, January 14, 2011
One day....
...when I grow up I wanna be able to play like this seriously.... she amazes me...
Kim Collingsworth
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Getting ready!

Just so you know..... I leave for Seattle in 14 days!!! That's just two weeks.. wow... I am so excited for this oppurtnity and cannot wait to see some old friends... and make some new ones! :)
Life has been so busy lately... and I haven't taken much time to sit and write... But I am so blessed. We had a wonderful holiday season and I am so excited about the New Year! So many awesome things happened in 2010... that I am truly thankful for... and as I do each year I've written down some things that I'd like to accomplish this upcoming year, but I'm not going to stress about it too much. A good friend once told me "Brit, life is what you make it." That simple thought has come to mind so many times when making a decision, or setting a goal, or trying to prioritize my crazy life. So simple, but so true.
Without further ado my checklist for the next two weeks.....
1. Get dress fitted ASAP (and spend every availible moment on the treadmill..)
2. Beg Emily to let me have the window seat...
3. Get some books for the plane ride....
4. Pack the bags....
5. Try not to die from excitement!!!!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Blog love........

Go lookie! Heather's sweet & classy blog... a great read! This girl is amazing! A money-saving fashion
blog... I am addicted! Another friends photography blog... beautiful ;)