~ Pearls ~
I've always loved PEARLS . . . and as a jewelry designer I am constantly looking for new
designs that I can create. =) I also love to read, so I get a lot of inspiration from books.
I was reading in one of my books how pearls were formed and it had a wonderful spiritual
application. Pearls stand apart form other gems because of their unique creation and lustrous
beauty. They represent purity, innocence, and beauty. They captivate our attention and
fascinate us. And they are created in a very unique, wonderful way.
An irritant such as a grain of sand or other small particle enters the inside of the soft shell of a
oyster or mollusk. In order to better tolerate the irritant the oyster or mollusk coats it with a
substance called nacre. The shell keeps coating the substance until it is removed. The result is
a beautiful pearl.
It's kinda like when God sends a TRIAL or TEST in our way, we get frustrated because it
irritates us, but if we react properly, God will help us find a way to tolerate it, so one day we can
have the victory.
So, the next time you slip on your PEARL bracelet, remember that whatever your going
through is not too tough for you to handle with God's help.
Jer. 33:3 "Call unto me and I will answer thee and shew thee great and mighty things thou
knowest not."
I've always loved PEARLS . . . and as a jewelry designer I am constantly looking for new
designs that I can create. =) I also love to read, so I get a lot of inspiration from books.
I was reading in one of my books how pearls were formed and it had a wonderful spiritual
application. Pearls stand apart form other gems because of their unique creation and lustrous
beauty. They represent purity, innocence, and beauty. They captivate our attention and
fascinate us. And they are created in a very unique, wonderful way.
An irritant such as a grain of sand or other small particle enters the inside of the soft shell of a
oyster or mollusk. In order to better tolerate the irritant the oyster or mollusk coats it with a
substance called nacre. The shell keeps coating the substance until it is removed. The result is
a beautiful pearl.
It's kinda like when God sends a TRIAL or TEST in our way, we get frustrated because it
irritates us, but if we react properly, God will help us find a way to tolerate it, so one day we can
have the victory.
So, the next time you slip on your PEARL bracelet, remember that whatever your going
through is not too tough for you to handle with God's help.
Jer. 33:3 "Call unto me and I will answer thee and shew thee great and mighty things thou
knowest not."
wow!! brittney!! thats good! thankyou for posting ur thoughts!!