Thursday, October 29, 2009

Finish the Sentence. . . . .

"Finish the Sentence!"


maybe i should - Fly oversees. . . .*sigh*

=P i love the smell of - Pumpkin spice, clean laundry, My "PINK" perfume *smiles*

people would say that i’m - blonde! ha ha disorganized, LOL

i don’t understand why - there isn't more time in the day! =)

i lost -my marbles... a loooooong time ago!

life is full of - busyness, fun, good times, piano lessons, FHS, church

my past -is great! I had the best childhood!

i get annoyed when - My computer freezes up. . . . LOL

i wish -to be used of the LORD, to make a difference, for my life to count

dogs - are. . . ok as long as someone else is taking care of them. . . .

tomorrow is -Thursday! almost FRIDAY!!!! YAY!

i have low tolerance for - slow drivers when I'm in a hurry!

i’m totally terrified of -SPIDERS! wasps, horseflys, yellowjackets. . . etc. LOL

never in my life have i -been over seas.... *sniff*

high school -glad it's over with =) had some good times, but glad it's over with.

take my advice - get a job you LOVE!!! be yourself. serve the LORD all the days of your life.

making my bed is - not easy, it's a king with LOTS of pillows! =)

i'm almost always - laughing =) playing the piano, singing, planning the next weekend. . . . . . . *smiles*

i’m addicted -to old movies, diet dr. pepper, swarovski, zebra, pink, pearls, leopard,cookie dough, lipgloss. . I could go on and on

i want someone -tall dark and handsome! *grins*



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