Date of Birth: June 21st
Place of Birth: Shreveport, LA
Parents: Charles and Wanda Pennington
Siblings: Emily and Andrew
Home Church: Union Baptist (Fundamental, Independent)
Favorite Restaurant: Olive Garden
Favorite Color: PINK!
Past Time: Shopping, Reading, Blogging, Beading, singing around the piano with friends =)
Favorite Song: Victory in Jesus
Scripture Verse: I Corinthians 10:13
Vacation Spot: Tenessee, it is my lifelong dream to go to England one day *wink wink*
Musician: Kim Collingsworth, Gordon Mote, Gen =)
Food: Pasta!
Dessert: Chocolate molten Cake from Chile's
Candy: Lindt Truffles
Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip
Vehicle: Masda
Store: Stage and Old Navy
Place To Stay: Opryland hotel
Something You Want People To Know About You: That I love the Lord with all my heart
Most Embarassing Moment :Totally NOT posting that online! LOL
Favorite Childhood Memory: School Days @ UBA *sigh*
Goals For The Future: To marry the man that God has for me, to be a better pianist and teacher, finish college, and serve the Lord all the days of my life!