Have You ever had anything removed from your body? nooooo
What was the Last heavy thing you lifted? book order @ work. . . .
What is your salad dressing of choice? Ranch
What is your Favorite sit-down restaurant? Olive Garden
What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it? Black Forest ham sandwhich @ Pizza Hut
What are your pizza toppings of choice? Pepporoni, cheese. . . .
What do you like to put on your toast? cinnamon
If it were possible would you want to know the day you were going to die? I don't think so. . .
If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I have ALWAYS wanted to change my name, I love the names Belle, Felicity, Katherine, Elizabeth. . . . *sigh*
Would you drink an entire bottle of hotsause for $1000? nope.
How many pairs of FlipFlops do you own? Never counted them probably 10 or 11. . .
Last time you had a run-in with the Cops? No, never!
Last person you talked to in person? Gracie Sylvia, a kid in the second grade class that I'm covering today.
Favorite Month? June :)
Mood? Happy
What are you listening to? The class watching "Ice Age," yep I'm a great sub!! ha ha
Watching? Ice Age
Worrying about? nothing this minute..
What's the Last movie you watched? before Ice Age. . . . Breakfast @ Tiffany's I think. . . seen that movie a billion times ha haaaa
Do You Smile often? Yes! =)
Do you always answer your Phone? ha ha no. . . .
If you could change your eye color what would it be? I wouldn't. . .
What Flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? sometimes vanilla
Do you own a Digital Camera? Yes. I want a Nikon. . . *grins*
Have you ever had a pet Fish? Yes...but it died...
Favorite Christmas Song? O Holy Night.
What's on your wishlist for your Birthday? I'd love a fun party or day out with my friends . . . hint hint *grins*
Can you do push-ups? ha ha noooo
Do you have any saved texts? yes, I don't text much...
Ever been in a Car wreck? haha yes.
Do you have an Accent? Yes, I guess you would say that I have a Southern accent...
What is the Last song to make you cry? I'd have to think about it. . . .
Plans Tonight? teaching music until 7, then schoolwork (I'm still in college)
Bought Yesterday? a sandwhich @ Pizza Hut. . . . .
Have You ever been given Roses? noooooo. . . . but someday *sighs*
Met someone who changed your life? absolutely! Lots of people. . . . They know who they are :)
What were you doing 12 AM last night? sleeping!
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? The goodness of the Lord
What color cellphone do you have? pink
What does the first text in your inbox say, and who sent it? A friend from college in Hot Springs, she said she misses me awwwwwww =)
Who was the last person to call you? my Dad :)

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