Today. . . I had the privilege of playing for the going home service of a man in our community. . . He was a good man, one that loved the Lord with all of his heart, and his family. . .
As I listened to the family share memories of his life, in which the Lord had given him almost 90 years to serve, the one thing that kept being repeated over and over again was that this man was an incredible prayer warrior. . .
He would list every member of his family, church, workplace, and each one of his friends and pray for nearly two hours a day. . . two hours. . . .
He truly strived to serve the Lord, and those around him, he wanted to leave a legacy to his posterity that was coming behind. . . . He wanted to be a light to those around him. . .
There. . . I realized that it is not about what we drive, what we wear, or anything that seems so important in our physical life, not that anything is necessarily wrong with any of those things, as long as we understand that it is really and truly about our relationship with Jesus Christ. . . .
It's about who we really are, and what we are leaving behind, what they will remember about us. . . . .
It's about our legacy, the path that we leave, the light that we shine. . . it's all about others. . .
"Others, Lord yes others, let this my motto be:
Lord, let me live for others, that I may live for Thee."
As I listened to the family share memories of his life, in which the Lord had given him almost 90 years to serve, the one thing that kept being repeated over and over again was that this man was an incredible prayer warrior. . .
He would list every member of his family, church, workplace, and each one of his friends and pray for nearly two hours a day. . . two hours. . . .
He truly strived to serve the Lord, and those around him, he wanted to leave a legacy to his posterity that was coming behind. . . . He wanted to be a light to those around him. . .
There. . . I realized that it is not about what we drive, what we wear, or anything that seems so important in our physical life, not that anything is necessarily wrong with any of those things, as long as we understand that it is really and truly about our relationship with Jesus Christ. . . .
It's about who we really are, and what we are leaving behind, what they will remember about us. . . . .
It's about our legacy, the path that we leave, the light that we shine. . . it's all about others. . .
"Others, Lord yes others, let this my motto be:
Lord, let me live for others, that I may live for Thee."
Charles D. Meigs
Aw, thats sweet Bea! :)