Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Small Town Livin' . . . .

You know you live in a small town if. . . .

1. You can name everyone you graduated with.

2. You ever went or thought about going cow-tipping.

3. School gets canceled for a sports team going out of state.

4. You still go home for Homecoming.

5. You had a skip senior day.

6. Your car is always filthy from the dirt backroads.

7. You think kids who ride skateboards are weird.

8. The town right next to you is considered "snotty" when it's just like your town.

9. Getting paid minimum wage is considered a raise.

10. You were excited when you got pipes on your truck for your birthday.

11. On Fridays, anyone you want to find can be found at Main Street or the local restaurants.

12. Weekend excitement involves a trip to Wal-Mart.

13. Even ugly people enter beauty contests.

14. Your teachers call you by your older sibling's name.

15. The closest "cool stores" are at least 45 minutes away.

Sad. . . . but true. *grins*


  1. Ha Ha... this is too funny. Love the one about min. wage being a raise. Ha!

  2. haha. I just came to your blog and was reading some older posts. This is SOO funny, but it doesn't necessarily mean small town. Homeschoolers are that way too ;-)!!! Unfortunately, I have both of those problems; but... "oh well"




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